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Performing Full Rebuilds of Incremental Aggregates

Incremental aggregates process only new windows of fact data rows, rather than processing all of the data. In some cases, you may want to reprocess all of the data to ensure that aggregates are accurate. For example, if the data of a dimension dataset has changed significantly or if you have older data that missed a processing window.


To trigger a full rebuild of all of the aggregates for a model:

  1. In Design Center, open the Deployed Catalogs panel, then open the catalog that contains the model you want to run a build for.
  2. Click the Build tab.
  3. Click the Start Full Batch for the model to trigger a full rebuild (including incremental aggregates) of its aggregates.

You can also deactivate aggregates so that AtScale performs a full rebuild of them the next time it builds aggregates for the corresponding model. Incremental builds will continue after that. For more information, see Deactivating An Active Aggregate Instance.


Note: It might be the case that, after you deactivate the instance, the AtScale engine decides that it will not rebuild the instance. The engine might instead create a new aggregate definition that is based on the current aggregate definition, or the engine might create an entirely new aggregate definition that better serves the query workload against the model.