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Dimensionally modified aggregates

Some of the queries processed by AtScale request calculated measures as well as calculation groups. The runtime performance of such queries can be significantly improved by enabling and configuring Dimensionally Modified Aggregates (DMA). This allows you to:

  • Reduce outbound query complexity.
  • Improve aggregate hit-rate for dimensionally modified queries like "ParallelPeriod", "Lag", and "Moving Windows".

Configuring DMAs

DMAs are enabled by default. They can be further configured using the aggregates.dimensionalModifications.retentionLimit engine setting, which controls the number of active instances of DMAs retained per model.

Enabling DMAs for individual models

You can enable DMA creation for dimension levels and secondary attributes using the Dimensionally Modified Aggregates field when adding/editing them. For more information, see Edit a Level and Edit a Secondary Dimensional Attribute.