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Aggregate Data Security

You can configure AtScale so that queries can simultaneously access data across multiple physical locations. By default, AtScale may create copies or aggregations of data across data warehouses to improve query performance.

You can also separately configure whether data from a dataset may be aggregated in the local data warehouse or in peer data warehouses. If you need to disable local aggregations on a specific dataset, or limit data to its original physical location for security reasons, you can edit its aggregate locality properties in the repository/model SML.

Before You Begin

Before setting aggregate locality, you must have:

  • A model draft that already includes modeled fact and dimension datasets.
  • Permission to update a model.

Editing Aggregate Locality for a Repository

To edit aggregate locality for datasets at the repository-level:

  1. In Design Center, open the Repo Browser and select the repository and branch you want to edit.
  2. Under Workspace, click the atscale.yml file for the repository to open it. The file opens in the Text Editor tab.
  3. Add or edit the dataset_properties property in the file. For more information, see Catalog.
  4. Click Save File.

Editing Aggregate Locality for a Model

To edit aggregate locality for datasets at the model-level:

  1. In Design Center, open the Repo Browser and select the repository and branch that contains the model you want to edit.
  2. Under Workspace, locate and click on the model you want to edit.
  3. Switch to the Text Editor tab to view the model's underlying SML.
  4. Add or edit the dataset_properties property in the file. For more information, see Models.
  5. Click Save File.