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Version: I2025.1.0

Changing Engine Settings

There are many engine settings that you can modify to change the behavior of the AtScale engine. Most of the settings require a restart of the engine after you change them.


Make changes to these settings only if you are sure that you know what you are doing.


You must be a super user to view and change these settings.


  1. Select Settings on top and choose Engine.

  2. Locate the settings you need and modify them.

    In case the change you made requires a restart of the engine after saving, the Design Center displays a short message to say so.

  3. In case the setting you need is not displayed: choose Show Custom Settings, enter the name and value, and choose Save.

  4. After making all of your changes, choose Save at the bottom of the list of settings.

  5. If needed, follow one of the procedures below for restarting the engine.

To restart the AtScale engine in a single-instance deployment of AtScale

Follow either of these two steps:

  • Choose Settings, select Service Management. In the Service Management page, choose Restart for the engine service.

  • Log into the AtScale node as atscale (or whatever user ID was chosen for AtScale administration at the time of deployment) and run the following command: :

    /opt/atscale/bin/atscale_service_control restart engine

To restart the AtScale engines in a clustered deployment of AtScale

  1. Log into either of the AtScale nodes as atscale (or whatever user ID was chosen for AtScale administration at the time of deployment) and run the following command: :

  2. Log into the other AtScale node as atscale (or whatever user ID was chosen for AtScale administration at the time of deployment) and run the same command.

  3. On either node, run the following command: :

  4. On the other node, run the same command.