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Version: I2025.1.0

Viewing AtScale metrics

AtScale provides a metrics dashboard, which allows you to know more about your AtScale deployment and data and analytics consumption. You can use the dashboard to identify patterns and outliers, and to report analytics adoption and cloud consumption performance indicators to business stakeholders.


Using the metrics dashboard you can obtains answers for questions like these:

  • Can we use a lower cloud instance for low consumption time frames?
  • Who are our most active users? Who are our analytics champions?
  • For our data literacy program, which users can be the analytics champions?
  • Which semantic models are used most?
  • How we can optimize the semantic models more?

Based on your role, you can benefit from using the metrics in the following ways:

  • Executive

    See how much AtScale is being used, and whether it's increasing productivity or saving money, so that you know if you should expand, maintain, or reduce AtScale investment.

  • AtScale administrator

    See whether end users are able to use BI tools effectively.

  • Data modeler

    See if my models - down to specific dimensions and measures - are being used, and if their performance is good.

  • Data warehouse administrator

    See how usage of AtScale impacts resource consumption of the respective data warehouses, and where there may be bottlenecks or under-allocation of resources, so that your data warehouse costs and performance are in line with expectations.

Enabling metrics

The metrics dashboard is hidden by default. To make it visible you need to do the following:

  1. Go to Settings > Global Settings > Options and turn on the Enable metrics option.
  2. For the organizations where metrics should be viewed, go to Settings > Organization Settings > Options and choose Override & Enable (or Enable) for the Enable metrics option.
  3. Choose another tab on top; the Metrics would appear in the top part of the Design Center.

Consider that the system needs time for the initial processing and loading of the usage data. It might take several minutes for the Metrics dashboard to be ready.

  1. Make sure the users who would have access to the dashboard have the required permissions:

    • The dashboard can be accessed only by users that have the 'Access Metrics Dashboard' permission. By default, this permission is enabled only for the Organization Admin role.
    • You can enable this permission for other roles as needed. For more information, see Creating and Editing Roles.

Viewing usage metrics

Once the metrics are enabled as described above, users who have the necessary permission would be able to see the following tiles on the dashboard:

  • Total number of inbound queries and active users
  • Number of inbound queries over time
  • Number of inbound queries and aggregate hits per model
  • Number of inbound queries vs aggregate hit rate over time
  • Number of inbound queries per user
  • Number of active users per model
  • Number of active users over time
  • Number of active users per user group

Using the filters in the top part of the dashboard users can choose what data to be displayed, filtering by month, user type, and user group.


The metrics dashboard has the following limitations:

  • It is not possible to add new tiles or modify existing ones.
  • Users can only use the filters described above, new filters cannot be defined.
  • The time period for which information is displayed is fixed (last 6 months) and cannot be changed.
  • Users cannot access the usage metrics with third-party BI tools.