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Version: I2025.1.0

Connecting with Alternate Vanity URLs

You can create a vanity URL for users to connect to a cube via the Microsoft Multidimensional Expression (MDX) interface. A vanity URL is a descriptive URL that lets you control the content of the url after the <host>:<port>/xmla portion of the URL.

Common Vanity URL Use Cases

  1. You want URLs that are short and memorable to ease managing numerous MDX connection strings within multiple organizations.
  2. You want to share a descriptive vanity MDX connection string with a query user.
  3. You create a vanity URL for Organization A, <host>:<port>/xmla/OrganizationA. Organization A reorgs to Organization A1, and you add the vanity URL <host>:<port>/xmla/OrganizationA1. Both vanity URLs will route to the same AtScale project end-point.


  1. Click Settings at the top of the Design Center.
  2. Click Vanity URLs on the left side, under Organization Settings.
  3. Enter a memorable URL name at the end of the string and click Save. The saved vanity URL will appear beneath the Current Vanity URL Section.
  4. Publish a project. Select the Connect tab for the cube of that project. The vanity URL will appear in the MDX Interface row beneath the Connection Information column (See Figure 2).

Figure 1. The Current Vanity URL section after selecting Save.



Note: You can delete a Vanity URL from within the Current Vanity URL section. If you have a connection set to a vanity URL and you delete it, queries or webhooks directed to that URL are disabled.

Figure 2. The MDX connection string vanity URL displayed on a published cube's Connect tab, beneath Connection Information.
