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Version: I2025.1.0

Modifying the AtScale Engine

If you made a mistake during installation or if you need to change the engine configuration details, you can modify its settings. Any existing connections and projects will remain in the organization unchanged.


  1. At the top of the Design Center, click Settings and click Engine under Organization Settings.

  2. Enter the updated information for the engine:

    NameThe name of the engine. The default engine name set by the installer is default, but you can choose any name you want.
    ProtocolSets the communication protocol for client/server connections (HTTP or HTTPS).
    HostThe hostname of the AtScale gateway node. Make sure to use an actual DNS hostname (not localhost).
    PortThe port that the MDX/OLAP engine listens on for client connections. The default port is 10502.
  3. Click Save.