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Adding InterSystems IRIS Data Warehouses

An InterSystems IRIS data warehouse contains the tables and views that you want to import as fact datasets and dimension datasets into AtScale models. It also contains aggregate table instances that either you or the AtScale engine creates in a database that you specify.



To configure a InterSystems IRIS data warehouse, you must have a special AtScale license. Ask your sales representative about obtaining a InterSystems IRIS-enabled license.

Before you begin

  • You must be logged in as an admin user.
  • You must know the schema to use for building aggregate tables in the data warehouse. AtScale reads and writes aggregate data to this schema, so the AtScale service account user must have ALL privileges for it. BI tool user accounts should not have the select permission.

Add an InterSystems IRIS Data Warehouse

  1. In Design Center, open the main menu and select Settings. The Settings page opens.

  2. In the Settings panel, click Data Warehouses.

  3. In the Add Data Warehouse section, click the InterSystems IRIS icon. The Add Data Warehouse panel opens.

  4. Enter a unique Name for the data warehouse. AtScale displays this name in the Design Center and uses it in log files.

  5. (Optional) Enter the name of the External connection ID. This field inherits the Name value but can be overridden by enabling the Override generated value? option.

  6. Enter the name of the Namespace configured in InterSystems IRIS.

  7. Enter the name of the Aggregate Database, which AtScale uses when creating aggregate tables. You must create this; AtScale does not create one automatically.

  8. (Optional) Specify whether the data warehouse is a Read-only source.

    • Select this option if AtScale will be configured to access this database with credentials that do not have permission to create new tables, or if you need to prevent AtScale from placing any aggregate tables in this data warehouse.
    • If Read-only source is enabled upon editing an existing data warehouse with aggregates present, all existing aggregates stored in this data warehouse will be deactivated.
  9. In the Custom function installation mode field, select Customer managed if you set up InterSystems IRIS in customer managed mode; otherwise, select None.

  10. Click Apply.

Add an InterSystems IRIS Connection

After setting up your data warehouse, you must add a connection to the data warehouse before you can run queries. You can establish multiple connections, with different configurations, to the same data warehouse. If multiple InterSystems IRIS connections are configured, you can assign which types of queries are permitted per connection; for details, see Configuring Query Mapping.

To add an InterSystems IRIS connection:

  1. On the Data Warehouses page, click the expand icon for your data warehouse.

  2. In the Add Connection field, click the plus icon. The Add InterStystems Iris Connection panel opens.

  3. Complete the following fields:

    • Name: The name of the connection.
    • Host: The location of the Databricks server.
    • Port: The port number to route transmitted data. The default is 1972.
  4. Enter the name of the Namespace configured in InterSystems IRIS.

  5. (Optional) Specify any extra JDBC flags in the Extra JDBC flags field, if you are certain they are required. For example, see the 'Connection logging' section below.

  6. In the Authorization type field, select an authorization method, then complete the credential fields as needed:

    • Password: Enter the username and the password.
    • Kerberos: Enter the IRIS principal service name.
    • TLS: Enter the username, password, key store location, and key store password.
  7. Click Test connection to test the connection.

  8. Click Apply.

Connection logging

If you need to keep a log for the connection:

  1. On the Data Warehouses page, click the pencil icon next to the connection to edit it. the Edit InterSystems Iris Connection panel opens.

  2. In the Extra JDBC Flags field, enter there the name of the log file; for example: Iris.log

    Consider the following:

    • You can include a slash sign (/) before the log name: /Iris.log
    • You can put the log name in quotes: "Iris.log"
    • If a log file with that name already exists, AtScale appends new entries to it. If you want to delete the existing log and start a new one, add a plus sign before the name: +Iris.log
  3. Click Test connection to test the connection.

  4. Click Apply.

To review the log file created this way:

  1. Log in to the AtScale system.
  2. Go to the following directory (check your file system for detailed names): /opt/atscale/versions/VERSION-NAME/pkg/ENGINE-VERSION/
  3. Open the file with a text editor.