📄️ Overview
A data warehouse is a data source that contains the tables and views that you import as fact datasets and dimension datasets into AtScale models. It also contains aggregate-table instances that either you or the AtScale engine creates in a schema that you specify.
📄️ About Data Warehouse Security
You can configure which users and groups have access to each of your data warehouses. These permissions apply across AtScale. If a user has access to a data warehouse, they can do the following:
📄️ Data Warehouse Preparation
Complete the following data warehouse configuration steps before
📄️ Adding Databricks Data Warehouses
A Databricks data warehouse contains the tables and views that you want
📄️ Adding Google BigQuery Data Warehouses
A Google BigQuery data warehouse is an instance of Google BigQuery that
📄️ Setting Up Impersonation for Google BigQuery
If you are using Google BigQuery as a data warehouse and Google G Suite
📄️ Adding InterSystems IRIS Data Warehouses
An InterSystems IRIS data warehouse contains the tables and views that
📄️ InterSystems IRIS: Customer-Managed UDAF Installation
When setting up an InterSystems IRIS Data Warehouse, you must choose
📄️ Adding Snowflake Data Warehouses
A Snowflake data warehouse is a cloud-based data warehouse that contains
📄️ Adding PostgreSQL Data Warehouses
A PostgreSQL data warehouse contains the tables and views that you want
📄️ Configuring Query Mapping
If you have multiple connections for the same type of data warehouse,