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Version: I2025.2.0

Disabling the Creation of System-Defined Aggregates for a Dataset

For some fact datasets, you might want to disable the creation of system-defined aggregates entirely.

About this task

By default, the AtScale engine can create aggregates for every fact dataset and dimension. Disabling the creation of system-defined aggregates on a dataset means that AtScale will not define aggregates for any measures, dimensions, or attributes that are defined on the data of that dataset. You can still manually add user-defined aggregates, if necessary.

You might want to disable the creation of system-defined aggregates on a fact dataset in the following scenarios:

  • The cube is a multi-fact model, and one fact dataset is too large to aggregate or join to without specifying some constraints.
  • The fact dataset is based on a view that executes complicated joins and ETL logic.


  1. Open the main cube canvas.
  2. For fact datasets: Find the fact dataset on the main Cube Designer canvas and click the gear icon to open the Edit a Table Dataset dialog.
  3. For dimensions: On the main Cube Designer canvas, double-click the title bar of a dimension. On the canvas for that dimension, click the gear icon to open the Edit a Table Dataset dialog.
  4. Deselect the Allow Aggregates checkbox.
  5. Click Save.