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Using the Queries Page

The Queries page displays queries that have run on your deployed models, including those run by users accessing models from BI tools, and those run by the system (for example, when building aggregates). To access the Queries page, open the main navigation in Design Center and and click Queries.


The table displays all queries that have run recently, as well as high-level details about each, including:

  • The query status (Successful, Failed, and so on).
  • The name of the model and catalog it ran on.
  • Its start time and duration.
  • The user who initiated the query.
  • Any optimizations defined for the query.
  • The specific model attributes and measures the query ran on.

Filtering Queries

You can filter the queries displayed in the list using the fields above the table. For example, you can filter by queries run in a specific timeframe, or run by a particular user.

Viewing Query Details

You can click on a query in the table to open the query details panel, which displays additional information about it.


The panel shows a full breakdown of the specific optimizations configured for the query, as well as the attributes and measures it ran on. It also displays a detailed timeline of the query run.

You can click on the inbound and outbound phases in the timeline to view the full SQL for that phase. This can be copied using the Copy to clipboard icon. For outbound queries, you can also click the Show query plan icon to display the full query plan for that phase.

For queries that resulted in aggregates, the query details panel contains a Show Aggregates link:


You can click the link to open the Aggregates panel at the bottom of the page, which displays details about the aggregate definitions and instances, much like the Aggregates page.


Configuring Query Display

The Queries page may become unresponsive when large queries are returned. To prevent this, you can use the following global settings to limit the number of characters displayed for inbound and outbound queries:


If a query exceeds one of these limits, a truncated version of the query appears in the details panel. The full query can be displayed in a separate tab if needed.