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Configuring Connections to Tableau Server

You can configure AtScale to connect to Tableau Server, enabling users to deploy catalogs directly to Tableau.

You can create multiple Tableau Server definitions. If you have more than one configured, users will be able to select the ones they want to deploy to.


Ensure that Tableau Server is running and accessible to AtScale. Additionally, you must have the username and password for an administrator account for all Tableau sites you want to connect to.

Adding a Tableau Server Definition

To add a Tableau Server definition:

  1. Log in to AtScale as an admin user.

  2. In the main menu, click Settings.

  3. In the Settings panel, click Integrations and Services > Tableau Server Definitions.

  4. Click Add Tableau Server Definition. The Add Tableau Server Definition panel opens.

  5. Complete the following fields:

    • Descriptive Name: The name of the server definition, as it will appear in AtScale.
    • Tableau Server URL: The URL for the Tableau Server web service.
    • Username: The username for a Tableau administrator, used to authenticate with the server.
    • Password: The password for the Tableau administrator.
    • Default Site Name: The name of the default site in Tableau. This is typically default. AtScale requires this information for API calls.
    • Omit default site names from API authentication calls: Different versions of Tableau Server authenticate differently. Some require the site name in the API call and some do not. If you are not able to authenticate successfully when deploying, try selecting this option.
    • Site Names: A comma-separated list of site names that you want to deploy to. The default site name must be in this list. Users can select the sites they want at deploy time.
  6. (Optional) Click Test Tableau Server Definition to test the connection to the server.

  7. Click Save.

Additional Information