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BI Tool Connection Support

The methods you can use to connect to different BI tools depends on the tool and your organization's method for managing users. The following table lists the supported connection methods for each combination of tools and user management solutions.

BI ToolOn-Prem ADMicrosoft Entra IDOkta
Microsoft ExcelWindows Authentication with Kerberos Basic auth (username and password)XMLA tokenXMLA token
Microsoft Power BI DesktopWindows Authentication with KerberosXMLA tokenXMLA token
Microsoft Power BI ServiceWindows Authentication with KerberosNo token requiredNo token required
TableauSSO with OAuth via PostgreSQL Connector Basic auth (username and password)SSO with OAuth via PostgreSQL ConnectorSSO with OAuth via PostgreSQL Connector
LookerPostgreSQL connectionPostgreSQL connectionPostgreSQL connection

AtScale answers SELECT * queries from BI tools connected via the PostgreSQL connector with preconfigured constant values. This enables BI tools that rely on metadata from SELECT * queries to connect to AtScale.

If you find you need to modify the constant values returned by AtScale, contact AtScale Support.