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Using AtScale with Microsoft Power BI Desktop

This section describes how to connect to AtScale from Microsoft Power BI Desktop.


Before connecting to Power BI Desktop, do the following:

Setting up authentication

You need to ensure authentication is configured in one of the following ways.

Token-based authentication

The xmla.auth.token.enabled engine setting must be enabled. For more information, see Changing Engine Settings.

Windows authentication

AtScale must be configured to use either Kerberos or NTLM. You can set this up via the Identity Broker. For more information, see Configuring Kerberos and Connecting to Active Directory via NTLM Pass-Through (Netlogon).

Optionally, you can enable Xpress compression to improve the communication. To do this, you can the turn on soap.xpress.enabled engine setting. For more information, see Changing Engine Settings.

Connecting Power BI Desktop to an AtScale Model

  1. In Design Center, obtain the connection string for the catalog you want to connect to.

    If you are using token-based authentication:

    1. Click the profile icon in the top right corner of Design Center. The Account panel opens.
    2. Click Generate XMLA token.
    3. Open the Deployed Catalogs panel, then open the catalog you want to connect to.
    4. On the Connect tab, copy the MDX + Token connection string.

    If you are using Windows Authentication:

    1. Open the Deployed Catalogs panel, then open the catalog you want to connect to.
    2. On the Connect tab, copy the MDX connection string.
  2. In Microsoft Power BI Desktop, select Get Data > Analysis Services.

  3. In the dialog's Server field, enter the connection string you copied above.

  4. (Optional) In the Database field, enter the name of the AtScale catalog you're connecting to.

  5. Select the Connect Live option.

    AtScale does not recommend using the Import option, as this is equivalent to exporting your entire dataset in model form. AtScale will deliberately fail export queries that exceed a complexity threshold to prevent service disruption. If you want to export data from AtScale, contact your Account Executive for more information.

  6. Do not enter an MDX or DAX query as a connection parameter. AtScale does not support this feature.

  7. Click OK.

  8. Select your catalog and model from the Display Options dropdown, then click OK.

Power BI will connect to AtScale and return a representation of the model in the Fields Pane.

What to do next