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Version: I2025.1.0

New Features and Improvements

AtScale contains the following new features and improvements.

NULLEXCEPT MDX function now supports dereferencing aliases in queries

The NULLEXCEPT MDX function now accepts an optional argument that enables it to search queries for dereferenced level alias hierarchies, in addition to the explicit list of attributes in the specified hierarchy set.

For more information, see NULLEXCEPT.


Aggregate MDX function can now be applied to semi-additive measures

The Aggregate MDX function can now be applied to semi-additive measures in calculations like Year-to-Date, Quarter-to-Date, etc. Previously, this would cause errors on publish.

For more information on Aggregate, see Aggregate.


NonEmpty, Tail, and ExtractMember MDX functions now support calculation group generic level types

The NonEmpty, Tail, and ExtractMember MDX functions now support the calculation group generic level types (i.e., TimeDays, TimeQuarters, etc.). This enables you to use these functions in calculated measures that reference calculation groups.

For more information on referencing calculation groups in calculated measures, see Referencing Calculation Groups in Calculated Measures.


Measures now apply their unrelated dimension handling to levels below the join level

Measures that have their unrelated dimension handling set to Include empty cells in query results now apply that behavior to levels below the join level. Previously, these levels would display repeating values, regardless of the configured unrelated dimension handling behavior. For more information, see About Queries on Dimensions that are Unrelated to One or More Queried Measures.


Beta features

New MDX function

AtScale now provides beta support the XIRR MDX function, which calculates the rate of return (within .000001%) of investments that have irregular payment schedules. For more information, see XIRR.