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Version: I2023.3.0

New Features and Improvements

AtScale 2023.3.0 contains the following new features and improvements.

Enabling failure tolerance for aggregate batch builds

Using the new aggregates.batch.max.failures cube-level setting, you can configure the maximum number of failures for a batch build before the whole batch fails. For details, see Other Aggregate Settings.


Improved support for DAX Tabular

AtScale adds support for the following client-side DAX language elements:

  • Operators: Exponentiation (^), IN

For more information, see Supported DAX Language Elements.


Qlik is now a supported Business Intelligence tool

AtScale adds Qlik as a supported Business Intelligence tool. For more information, see Using AtScale with Qlik.


Connectors for Alation and Collibra

When using Alation or Collibra as a data catalog, you can benefit from using the connectors created by AtScale. The connectors automate the process of extract data from AtScale and using it the data catalogs. For details, see Data Catalog API.


Webhook for Aggregate Prune Result

You can now create a Webhook that sends notifications when the cubes in a published project are exceeding their configured limits on the number of active aggregates. For details, see Engine Webhooks.


Configuring aggregates drop timeout

Using the new aggregates.drop.timeout engine setting you can specify the maximum length of time to allow per DDL statement that the engine uses to drop an aggregate instance. For details, see Other Settings for Both System-Defined and User-Defined Aggregates.


Validation for custom format strings

Using the new query.language.dax.format.validate engine setting you can enable the validation of custom format strings. For details, see Query Settings.


Publishing when there are unsupported types

In case during the publishing of a project there are issues with unsupported types fails, AtScale would proceed with the publishing. Detailed information about the issues would be displayed in the final step of the publication wizard. For details, see Publish a Project.


Deviation allowed for APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT

Using the new databricks.estimateddistinctcount.deviation engine setting you can specify the maximum relative standard deviation allowed for approx_count_distinct function. For details, see Add Additive or Non-Additive Measures.


Limiting number of sub-queries

Using the new query.language.mdx.subquery.limit you can set a limit of sub-queries generated for MDX queries. For details, see Query Settings.


Data Catalog API updates

When using the Data Catalog API, in the request for dataset tables you can include the DATASET_GUID parameter to obtain the ID of the dataset. Also, in requests for dimension levels you can include the LEVEL_MASTER_UNIQUE_NAME, LEVEL_SECONDARY_ATTRIBUTE_FOLDER, LEVEL_UNIQUE_NAME_SQL_COLUMN_NAME, and SCHEMA_NAME parameters to obtain details about the folder attribute associated with the secondary attributes. For details, see the API reference documentation.

ATSCALE-10423, ATSCALE-10427