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Version: I2025.1.0

Other Settings for System-Defined Aggregates Only

A number of features of system-defined aggregates are enabled or affected by particular settings. To access these settings:

  1. Make sure you are a super user.
  2. Choose Settings on top, then choose Engine or Aggregates on left.
  3. If a setting is not displayed on the Engine page, choose Show Custom Settings in the Overview section, and configure it there.


The system default value for the maximum number of system-defined aggregates retained per cube. An Org-specific value may be set on Settings > Aggregates. Cube-specific values can be set using the Cube Settings user interface. Setting this value too high will cause long aggregate batch build times and may impact data warehouse workloads.


Used for creating System-Defined Aggregates that contain Distinct Count measures. It is disabled by default. To enable it, set it's value to True.

See also aggregates.systemGenerated.withDistinctCountMeasure.retentionPercentage and aggregates.systemGenerated.activeInstance.retentionLimit.


To prevent Distinct Count aggregates from dominating the Aggregate retention limit, AtScale defines a separate pool of Distinct Count aggregates as a percentage of the overall cube-scoped System-Defined aggregate retention limit. The percentage is controlled by this setting, at either the Engine or Cube level. It accepts values between 0 and 100, with a default of 40. The size of the Distinct Count aggregate pool is calculated as a percentage of the effective Cube value of the "retentionLimit" setting (see above).

For example if the Cube's effective retention limit is 100, and aggregates.systemGenerated.withDistinctCountMeasure.retentionPercentage is 40, then the system will allow the creation of up to 40 System-Defined aggregates that use Distinct Count measures.


Used for creating System-Defined Aggregates that contain Distinct Sum measures. It is disabled by default. To enable it, set its value to True.

See also aggregates.systemgenerated.withdistinctsummeasure.retentionpercentage and aggregates.systemGenerated.activeInstance.retentionLimit.


To prevent Distinct Sum aggregates from dominating the Aggregate retention limit, AtScale defines a separate pool of Distinct Sum aggregates as a percentage of the overall cube-scoped System-Defined aggregate retention limit. The percentage is controlled by this setting, at either the Engine or Cube level. It accepts values between 0 and 100, with a default of 40. The size of the Distinct Sum aggregate pool is calculated as a percentage of the effective Cube value of the "retentionLimit" setting (see above).

For example if the Cube's effective retention limit is 100, and aggregates.systemGenerated.withDistinctSumMeasure.retentionPercentage is 40, then the system will allow the creation of up to 40 System-Defined aggregates that use Distinct Sum measures.


The system default value for the maximum number of additional system-defined aggregates temporarily permitted per cube when the retention limit is reached. An Org-specific value may be set on Settings > Aggregates. Cube-specific values can be set using the Cube Settings user interface. Setting this value too high will cause long aggregate batch build times and may impact data warehouse workloads.


Set to True to allow the AtScale engine to direct dimension-only queries to aggregate instances that contain complete degenerate dimensions.

Set to True to allow the engine to create aggregates that contain dimensional attributes only. Such aggregates can be useful in Tableau for queries against fact datasets that contain degenerate dimensions.


Set to True to enable the aggregation process to evaluate higher levels of a hierarchy when building an aggregate. If a higher level meets the needed criteria, it will be built in. For example: if this setting is enabled and a hierarchy contains Year and YearMonth, when an aggregate build against YearMonth * myMeasure is requested, the build process evaluates Year as a possible candidate too.


AtScale checks for aggregate candidates to queries selecting distinct count measures and with a non-equals WHERE constraint. When this option is set to True (default), such aggregate candidates are rejected, because they attempt to re-aggregate the data.