Resolved Issues
The following issues have been resolved in I2023.1.0.
Failed Tableau report
When the formula for a calculated measure included a time dimension, using such a measure in a Tableau report lead to an error.
Some queries to Databricks might fail
When using Databricks as a data warehouse, some queries occasionally failed with the "Error occurred while deserializing arrow data" error.
Selecting Parent or Ancestor Calculation and Secondary Attribute from Same Hierarchy
When using a BI tool, selecting a parent or ancestor calculation and secondary attribute from the same hierarchy led to query issues.
Unrelated Dimension Handling Query Failed
In AtScale, the query.factless.ignoreIncidentalFilter
setting is set
to False, and the Override Default Handling option for a measure is
set to Include empty cells in query results. Including this measure in
a pivot table in Microsoft Excel resulted in "Error during query
planning: An internal error occurred during query planning." error.
Value of Proxy User Attribute was displayed incorrectly
After upgrading to AtScale 2022.4.1, the value of the PROXY USER ATTRIBUTE setting in Security > Directory > Setup was always shown as 'sAMAccountName'. The operation of the AtScale system was not affected - the real value of this setting was stored internally and used correctly.
Completed queries displayed as running
In a cluster environment, some of the queries listed in the Design Center remained in a Running state, even though they were completed. The operation of the AtScale system was not affected - those queries were executed properly, and the results were returned to the BI Tools.
Cannot enter name when creating hierarchy
When creating a hierarchy from the hierarchies toolbox in the dimension editor, the 'Create a Hierarchy' panel missed the fields for name and level.
Unrecognized name query error
When using Google BigQuery as a data warehouse, adding an item to a filter in Microsoft Excel led to an error. The corresponding query in the Queries screen in AtScale contained the "Unrecognized name: t_370; Did you mean c_87?" error message.
Hidden levels visible in Excel
When the visibility of a Level was set to False, report users were able to see in Microsoft Excel the hidden Level when navigating the hierarchy in a Filter dialog. This happened when the Level was hidden either individually, or as part of a Perspective.
Empty Results when Selecting Role-Played Calculation Groups
When using a Role Playing Relationship, Calculation Groups did not work in the BI tool.