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Known Issues

Before installing or upgrading AtScale, please review this section to be aware of all known issues.

Cube Overrides Interface Unavailable

In installer-based AtScale, you can override engine settings at the data model (cube) level. In containerized AtScale, the ability to set these overrides is currently only available via API. A new mechanism for data model override management will be introduced to containerized AtScale in coming releases.


Snowflake Key File Authentication Method Unavailable

For Snowflake data warehouse connections, the Key File authentication method is currently unavailable. All other methods are functional. The Key File method will become available in a later release.


AtScale AI-Link is not supported for C2024.2.0. This will become available in a later release.

Services And Integrations Page Not Available

The Services and Integrations page in Settings is currently unavailable. This will become available in a later release.