Known Issues
Before installing or upgrading AtScale, please review this section to be aware of all known issues.
Iris JDBC does not support CTEs
The Iris JDBC driver does not support Common Table Expressions (CTEs), so the new feature that enables the query planner to use CTEs is not supported for Iris. If you are using AtScale on Iris, you need to set the following global setting:
By default, this setting is set to True
For models with more than 1600 attributes, AtScale fails to answer all PostgreSQL metadata queries from BI tools
When connected to BI tools via the PostgreSQL interface, AtScale fails to answer all metadata queries on models that have more than 1600 attributes. This is due to a limitation of the PostgreSQL database used to answer these queries.
Identity Broker logout does not completely log out of Design Center
Users who log in to the Identity Broker from Design Center, then log out of the Identity Broker, are not automatically logged out of Design Center. This is because the Identity Broker logout event interrupts the Design Center function.
Tableau: Double dashes in catalog names creates empty .tds files
Double dashes (--) in the unique names of catalogs causes corruption of Tableau .tds
file generation. This is because double dashes are reserved in many databases, and signal a comment in SQL. AtScale recommends avoiding this character pattern when creating and deploying catalogs.
ATSCALE-16605, ATSCALE-22167
Perspectives cannot contain multiple objects with the same display names
Perspectives cannot contain references to multiple objects with the same display names/labels, as this results in errors at deploy time.