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Model files define AtScale models. In AtScale, a model is a metadata layer that overlays a multi-dimensional model format on top of the datasets stored in a connected database. The model is virtual, meaning the data is not moved or processed up front. Instead, it contains the logic about how to process and optimize the data at query runtime.


Note: Some properties can appear in both atscale.yml and model files. Those defined in model files override their counterparts in atscale.yml.

Model files support the following properties.


  • Type: string
  • Required: Y

The unique name of the model. This must be unique across all repositories and subrepositories.


  • Type: const
  • Required: Y

The type of object defined by the file. For models, the value of this property should be model.


  • Type: string
  • Required: Y

The name of the model, as it appears in AtScale. This value does not need to be unique.


  • Type: array
  • Required: Y

Defines the relationships between the model's fact datasets and first order dimensions. These are called fact relationships.


Note: These relationships are separate from those defined at the dimension level: relationships at the model level involve fact datasets, while those at the dimension level do not.


Note: Degenerate dimensions have relationships to the fact datasets on which they are based. However, these dimensions do not need a relationships property as they are created by referencing the fact dataset columns directly.

If you do not want to add relationships to the model, the value of this property must be []. For example: relationships: []

The relationships property of a model file supports the following properties.


  • Type: string
  • Required: Y

The unique name of the relationship. This must be unique within the model file.


  • Type: object
  • Required: Y

Defines the side of the relationship that contains the physical fact dataset. Typically, this is a join column in the fact dataset.

Supported properties:

  • dataset: String, required. The physical fact dataset you want to link to a dimension.
  • join_columns: Array, required. The columns within the dataset that you want to use as join columns.


  • Type: object
  • Required: Y

Defines the dimension that the from dataset is linked to.

Supported properties:

  • dimension: String, required if row_security is undefined. The name of the dimension to which the from dataset is joined.
  • level: String, required if row_security is undefined. The unique_name of the level attribute within the dimension to use for the relationship.
  • row_security: String, required if dimension and level are undefined. For security relationships, the row security object that the from dataset is joined to.


  • Type: string
  • Required: N

For role-playing relationships only. Defines the role-playing template for the relationship.

The role-playing template is the prefix and/or suffix that is added to every attribute in the role-played dimension.

This value must be in one of the following formats (including quotation marks):

  • Prefix: "<prefix> {0}"
  • Suffix: "{0} <suffix>"
  • Prefix and suffix: "<prefix> {0} <suffix>"

For example, if you wanted to use the prefix Order, you would set role_play to "Order {0}".

For more information on role-playing relationships in AtScale, see Role-Playing Relationships.


  • Type: array
  • Required: Y

A list of references to metrics and calculations used in the model.

Supported properties:

  • unique_name: String, required. The unique name of the metric or calculation.
  • folder: String, optional. The name of the folder in which the metric/calculation is displayed in BI tools. If your model has a lot of metrics/calculations, folders are a good way to organize them.

Note: If you do not want to add metrics to the model, the value of this property must be []. For example: metrics: []


  • Type: string
  • Required: N

A description of the model.


  • Type: array
  • Required: N

A list of references to degenerate dimensions defined on a specific fact dataset in the model.


  • Type: array
  • Required: N

Perspectives are deployable subsets of the data model. They are meant to make it easier for analysts to query only the subset of data that is relevant to their purposes or responsibilities. Rather than provide analysts with the entire data model, you can make specific dimensions, hierarchies, levels, secondary attributes, measures, and calculated measures invisible to them.


Note: AtScale recommends that you add perspectives after a model has been fully tested. Although you can edit a model after adding perspectives, any changes might require you to update the perspectives to hide new objects that would otherwise be visible to all users.

The AtScale engine imposes no limit on the number of perspectives that you can add to a model. Perspectives contain no data themselves, but are simply virtual views of the data.

For more information on perspectives, see Modeling Perspectives.

The perspectives property in a model file supports the following properties.


  • Type: string
  • Required: Y

The unique name of the perspective. This must be unique within the model file.


  • Type: array
  • Required: N

A list of the specific metrics and calculations available in the perspective.


  • Type: array
  • Required: N

A list of the specific dimensions and their hierarchies available in the perspective.

By default, all objects within a dimension are visible. Hiding a level in a hierarchy hides all levels below it, as well as their secondary attributes.

Supported properties:

  • name: String, required. The name of the dimension to include in the perspective.

  • prefixes: Array, optional.

  • hierarchies: Array, optional. A list of the specific hierarchies within the name dimension to include in the perspective. Supported properties:

    • name: String, required. The name of the hierarchy.
    • levels: Array, optional. A list of the levels within the hierarchy to include in the perspective.
  • secondaryattributes: Array, optional. A list of the dimension's secondary attributes to include in the perspective.


  • Type: array
  • Required: N

In BI tools, a drillthrough enables you to view detailed information about a specific cell within a visualization as needed. This provides an alternative to including lots of fine-grained attributes in large pivot tables, which can result in performance issues. Moving these attributes to drillthroughs means they are only returned if a user requests them for a specific cell, rather than for the entire table.

In an SML model, you can define drillthroughs that include the specific level of detail to return for these types of queries.

The drillthroughs property in a model file supports the following properties.


  • Type: string
  • Required: Y

The unique name of the drillthrough. This must be unique within the model file.


  • Type: array
  • Required: Y

A list of the metrics to include in the drillthrough.


  • Type: string
  • Required: N

Notes about the drillthrough.


  • Type: array
  • Required: N

A list of the specific attributes to include in the drillthrough.

Supported properties:

  • name: String, required. The name of the attribute to include in the drillthrough.
  • dimension: String, optional. The dimension that the attribute defined by name appears in.


  • Type: array
  • Required: N

The aggregates property in a model file enables you to add user-defined aggregates (UDAs).

In general, AtScale recommends relying on the aggregate tables automatically generated by the AtScale engine. However, there are cases that are not covered by system-defined aggregates. For example:

  • Metrics on dimensions: The AtScale engine does not generate aggregate tables for metrics that are local to a dimension only (a secondary metrical attribute in the model).
  • Non-additive metrics: The AtScale engine does not generate aggregate tables for non-additive metrics, which are useful for distinct counts. This is because such an aggregate table defined for one query would not be usable by other queries.

If you require aggregate tables that contain these types of dimensional attributes or metrics, you should define your own manually using the aggregates property.

For more information, see When To Define Your Own Aggregate Tables and Defining Aggregates Yourself.

The aggregates property in a model file supports the following properties.


  • Type: string
  • Required: Y

The unique name of the aggregate. This must be unique within the model file.

Aggregate table names used by the query engine are system-generated, but they include the first 14 characters of the user-supplied name at the end of the internal ID name. This name can help you identify when a user-defined aggregate is used in a query. For example: as_agg_internal-id_my-uda-name


  • Type: string
  • Required: Y

The name of the aggregate, as it appears in AtScale. This value does not need to be unique.


  • Type: string
  • Required: Y

The database that the AtScale engine writes the aggregate table to.


  • Type: array
  • Required: Y

A list of the metrics and calculations to include in the aggregate definition. This is the data that is summarized in the resulting aggregate table.


Note: By default, AtScale does not create system-defined aggregate tables that aggregate on DISTINCT COUNT (estimated only) metrics. If you want to configure your system to do so, you can set the aggregates.Create.Allowexactdistinctcountmeasures.Enabled engine setting to True; for more information, see Engine Settings For System-Defined Aggregates Only. Additionally, you can define your own aggregate tables to aggregate on such metrics. However, the AtScale engine only uses those tables when queries match their dimensions exactly. If any other dimensions are added (sort, filter, and so on), the match is invalidated. If this occurs, AtScale bypasses the aggregate and calculates against the fact table(s).


  • Type: array
  • Required: N

A list of the dimension attributes to include in the aggregate definition.

Supported properties:

  • name: String, required. The name of the dimension attribute to include. These values are used to group the summarized metric data in the resulting aggregate table. Note that user-defined aggregate definitions are fixed: they do not include every level of a hierarchy unless they are explicitly defined.

  • dimension: String, required. The dimension to which the attribute defined by name belongs.

  • partition: String, optional. Adds a partition to the aggregate, and determines whether it should be defined on the key column, name column, or both. Supported values:

    • name

    • key

    • name+key

      When the engine builds an instance of this aggregate, it creates a partition for each combination of values in the dimensional attributes. The number of partitions depends on the left-to-right order of the attributes, as well as the number of values for each attribute.

      Essentially, the partitioning key functions as a GROUP BY column. Queries against the aggregate must use this dimensional attribute in a WHERE clause. A good candidate for a partitioning key is a set of dimensional attributes that together have a few hundred to under 1000 value combinations. (The default maximum number of partitions that the AtScale engine allows is 800. Admins can increase the maximum, though AtScale recommends that it be set no higher than 1000.)


Performance Best Practice: MDX tools like Excel specify filters using attribute key bindings, while SQL and DAX-based tools like Tableau use attribute name bindings. You should be aware of your user community's tool usage so you can adopt a partitioning strategy that maximizes their query performance. If a model services a mix of BI tools, AtScale recommends partitioning by both name and key columns, or by using the same physical column for the AtScale key and name attribute bindings.

  • distribution: String, optional. The distribution keys to use when creating the aggregate table. If your aggregate data warehouse supports distribution keys, then AtScale uses the specified keys when creating the aggregate table. For more information on configuring distributions in AtScale, see Settings For Large Table Optimization.


  • Type: array
  • Required: N

The partitions property in a model file enables you to create prioritized partitioning hints that the AtScale engine uses to create partitioned aggregate tables. The actual partitioning scheme used by the engine depends on a number of factors, including:

  • Whether the aggregate includes a column that matches a partition hint.
  • Whether AtScale statistics suggest that partitioning would be worthwhile.
  • Whether the target data warehouse supports table partitioning.

For more information on partitioning in AtScale, see Partitioned System-Defined Aggregate Tables.

Within SML, all partitions used in a model are defined in the model file itself.

The partitions property in a model supports the following properties.


  • Type: string
  • Required: Y

The unique name of the partition. This must be unique within the model file.


  • Type: string
  • Required: Y

The dimension that contains the attribute the partition is based on.


  • Type: string
  • Required: Y

The attribute that the partition is based on.


  • Type: string
  • Required: Y

Determines whether the partition is defined on the name column, key column, or both.


Performance Best Practice: MDX Tools like Excel specify filters using Attribute Key bindings. However, SQL and DAX-based tools like Tableau specify filters using Attribute Name (Value) bindings. Data architects should be aware of their user community's tool usage so they can adopt a partitioning strategy that maximizes their query performance. If a model services a mix of BI tools, then it is recommended that Data Architects either partition by both name and key columns or use the same physical column for the AtScale Key and Name attribute bindings.

Supported values:

  • name
  • key
  • name+key


  • Type: object
  • Required: N

Defines dataset properties that are specific to the model, rather than the repository.

Supported properties:

  • allow_aggregates: Boolean, optional. Enables the AtScale engine to create aggregates for datasets in the repository.
  • allow_local_aggs: Boolean, optional. Enables local aggregation for datasets in the repository.
  • allow_peer_aggs: Boolean, optional. Enables aggregation on data derived from datasets in data warehouses that are different from the source dataset.
  • create_hinted_aggregate: Boolean, options. Enables the creation of hinted aggregates for the dataset.

Specify the name of the dataset followed by the properties and values you want to set for it at the model level. For example:

create_hinted_aggregate: true