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Composite Model

Composite models are made up of multiple other models that all share a dimension, as well as calculations specific to the composite model itself.


Composite models are a public preview feature.

Composite models are defined by the composite_model object type in SML. You can add a new composite model file to your repository from the Repo Browser: click the new object button and select Composite_model.yml. The new file appears in the models/ folder.

When you deploy a composite model, all of its referenced objects are deployed as a single model. Note, however, that deployed composite models do not include the following objects from their referenced models:

  • User defined aggregates
  • Partitions
  • Perspectives
  • Drill-throughs

Composite model files support the following properties.


Type: const

Required: Y

The type of object defined by the file. For composite models, this must be composite_model.


Type: string

Required: Y

The unique name of the composite model. This must be unique across all repositories and subrepositories.


Type: string

Required: Y

The name of the composite model as it appears in AtScale. This value does not need to be unique.


Type: array

Required: Y

A list of the models that make up the composite model. These must meet the following criteria:

  • They cannot be other composite models.
  • They must all have at least one dimension in common.
  • For projects that were migrated from installer-based to containerized AtScale only. The referenced models cannot contain objects that a) have their unique_name property overridden in one or more other referenced models, AND b) appear in one or more other referenced models.


Type: array

Required: N

A list of the calculations to include in the composite model. These must meet the following criteria:

  • They must be of object type metric_calc.
  • Each calculation’s MDX formula can only contain references to objects that appear in the referenced models.

The metric_calc property supports the following properties:

  • unique_name: String, required. The unique name of the calculation.
  • folder: String, optional. The name of the folder in which to display this calculation in BI tools.


Type: string

Required: N

A description of the composite model.