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class atscale.base.enums.Aggs

Holds constant string representations for the supported aggregation methods of numerical aggregate features
SUM: Addition
AVG: Average
MAX: Maximum
MIN: Mininum
DISTINCT_COUNT: Distinct-Count (count of unique values)
DISTINCT_COUNT_ESTIMATE: An estimate of the distinct count to save compute
NON_DISTINCT_COUNT: Count of all values
STDDEV_SAMP: standard deviation of the sample
STDDEV_POP: population standard deviation
VAR_SAMP: sample variance
VAR_POP: population variance

class atscale.base.enums.FeatureType

Used for specifying all features or only numerics or only categorical

class atscale.base.enums.TableExistsAction

Potential actions to take if a table already exists when trying to write a dataframe to that database table.
APPEND: Append content of the dataframe to existing data or table
OVERWRITE: Overwrite existing data with the content of dataframe
IGNORE: Ignore current write operation if data/ table already exists without any error. This is not valid for

pandas dataframes

ERROR: Throw an exception if data or table already exists

class atscale.base.enums.TimeSteps

Translates the time levels into usable step sizes.