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class atscale.repo.repo.Repo

Creates an object corresponding to an AtScale repo. References an AtScale Client and takes a repo ID to construct an object that houses catalogs and any functionality pertaining to repo maintenance.


Returns a list of dicts for each of the catalogs in the repo.

  • Returns: List of ‘id’:’name’ pairs of available Catalogs.
  • Return type: List[Dict[str,str]]

property id : str

Getter for the id instance variable

  • Returns: The repo id
  • Return type: str

property name : str

Getter for the name instance variable

  • Returns: The repo name
  • Return type: str


Prompts the user to select a catalog that the repo can access.

  • Parameters:
    • catalog_id (str , optional) – A data model id, will select the catalog with the matching id. If None, asks user to select from list. Defaults to None.
    • name_contains (str , optional) – A string to use for string comparison to filter the found catalog names. Defaults to None.
    • include_soft_published (bool , optional) – Whether to include soft published catalogs. Defaults to None.
  • Returns: the selected Catalog
  • Return type: Catalog

property url : str

Getter for the url instance variable

  • Returns: The repo url
  • Return type: str