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Version: I2025.1.0

Backing Up and Restoring AtScale Database Instances

The following topic covers backing up and restoring embedded AtScale PostgreSQL database instances. You can back up instances of AtScale databases to .dump files and restore instances from those files.



Note: This section deals solely with backing up and restoring AtScale PostgreSQL database instances. To perform a full back up of AtScale see Backing up and Restoring AtScale.

Backing up AtScale database instances

This command creates a .dump file in the directory /opt/atscale/data/dump/. :

/opt/atscale/current/bin/database/postgres_backup [-f|--force]

Shows the options for the command.

Turns off interactive mode. This option is useful when you run this command via scripts.

Restoring AtScale database instances

This command restores instances from files that were output by AtScale's postgres_backup command. It outputs a log file with the name postgres_restore_<timestamp>.log to /opt/atscale/log/. Refer to this log file if the command fails.



Prerequisite: Before running this command, you must close any connections from other AtScale processes to the database instance:

To stop other AtScale processes

/opt/atscale/bin/atscale_service_control stop egress

/opt/atscale/current/bin/database/postgres_restore -i <infile> [-n|--schema schema_name] [-f|--force]

Shows the options for the command.

Specifies the path to the file that was output by the postgres_backup command.

Restores only the objects that are in the specified schema.

Turns off interactive mode. This option is useful when you run this command via scripts.