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Version: I2025.1.0

Upgrading Stand-Alone AtScale

This document describes how to upgrade a running 7.4.0 or later installation of Stand-Alone AtScale. It assumes that you've been running AtScale with a properly-configured data warehouse.

Before you begin

  • If you are upgrading from 2021.3.x or earlier version you must perform some additional upgrade steps. For details, see Upgrading from AtScale 2021.3 or earlier.
  • Review the release notes for the version you plan to upgrade to. You can also log a support case to check on known issues and get assistance in planning your upgrade.
  • These instructions are for CentOS/RedHat operating systems. You may have to modify for your supported OS.

Prerequisite Steps for Installation

Complete all prerequisite installation steps.

Install the AtScale Installer Package

Installing the AtScale installer package does the following:

  1. Creates the atscale user. This can be overridden by setting the ATSCALE_USER environment variable prior to installing.
  2. Creates the AtScale home directory at /opt/atscale. This can be overridden when installing via rpm by passing --prefix /my/custom/path to the rpm -i command.
  3. Sets up AtScale under the AtScale home directory.
  4. Gives ownership of the AtScale home directory to the atscale user.

Identify the operating system user who owns and executes the existing AtScale installation. If the user is named anything other than atscale then assign the user name to the ATSCALE_USER environment variable:

export ATSCALE_USER=myatscaleuser

If you are the root user, install the downloaded AtScale installer package using the RPM Package Manager:

rpm -i installer_package_filename.rpm

or if using Debian packages:

dpkg --install installer_package_filename.deb

If you are not the root user but have sudo privileges, then install the rpm with the sudo -E option to preserve the ATSCALE_USER environment variable in the subshell.

sudo -E rpm -i installer_package_filename.rpm

or if using Debian packages:

sudo -E dpkg --install installer_package_filename.deb

Activate AtScale

Switch to the $ATSCALE_USER account and run the installed AtScale's script in --activate mode:

cd /opt/atscale/versions/\
./bin/ --activate

You will be asked to confirm that you want to apply this configuration.

If you agree with the configuration, answer y to start the activation process, which will configure and run AtScale.

If you disagree with the configuration and want to make a change, answer n to the "Do you want to apply these settings?" question. To change the configuration, perform these steps:

  1. Change the desired configuration setting in /opt/atscale/conf/atscale.yaml
  2. Run ./bin/ --activate
  3. Review and answer y to the confirmation questions if you agree with the configuration.

What to do next

  1. Log into the Design Center at the URL that you are accustomed to using.

  2. Check that the AtScale version number is correct. The version is listed on the landing page just below the Welcome message.

  3. If you want to make changes to the host and port information for your data warehouse connections, follow these steps:

    1. Choose Settings from the main navigation, and go to Data Warehouses.
    2. Choose a data warehouse to see more details.
    3. Choose the Edit button for the connection for which you want to make changes.
    4. In the Edit Connection dialog, change the port or host settings as needed.