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Version: I2025.1.0

Installing PostgreSQL JDBC Drivers

As an alternative to the Hive ODBC drivers, you can connect to Tableau using the PostgreSQL JDBC driver. For the list of drivers AtScale supports for Tableau, see AtScale Supported Tools and Platforms.


Note: AtScale only supports basic authentication when connecting to Tableau via the PostgreSQL driver.

Before you begin

Before you can install the PostgreSQL driver, you need to make some changes to your system's configuration:

  • Update the following engine settings. For instructions on changing engine settings, see Changing Engine Settings.

    • Set metadataExport.driver.type to postgres.
    • Set tableau.pgwire.client.protocol to postgres.
    • If you use an external load balancer, set load.balancer.pgsql.url to the base URL for the engine's PostgreSQL-compatible SQL endpoint. This should be in the format schema://hostname:port. For more information, see Configure an External Load Balancer.
  • Set the Postgres Server Port field for your organizations. This should be set to 15432 for your first organization. For any additional organizations, increase the port number by one (for example, 15433 for your second organization).

    For more information on configuring organizations, see Create an Organization.


Note: If you upgraded to I2024.2.0 or later from a previous version of AtScale, Postgres Server Port is automatically set for all of your organizations.


To install the PostgreSQL driver:

  1. Download the Java 8 42.7.3 JDBC driver from the PostgreSQL download page.
  2. Copy the .jar file to the Drivers/ folder under Tableau's install location. You may need to create this folder if it doesn't exist.

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