Starting Clustered AtScale
Here you can find how to start a Clustered AtScale environment. In short, you should first start the Coordinator node, then the Leader node, and finally the Replica node.
You can access the Linux command line shell session at the AtScale system, and have account that allows you to manage the system.
Establish a shell session to each AtScale node: Engine 1, Engine 2, and Coordinator node.
Switch user to the atscale (required for the remaining steps): :
sudo su - atscale
Start the AtScale coordinator node by running the
command: :/opt/atscale/bin/atscale_start
Wait for all services to start.
To verify all services are started, you can execute the
atscale_service_control status
command. The result should look like in the example below: :/opt/atscale/bin/atscale_service_control status
agent RUNNING pid 23703, uptime 0:00:11
coordinator RUNNING pid 23704, uptime 0:00:11
egress RUNNING pid 23705, uptime 0:00:11
ingress RUNNING pid 23707, uptime 0:00:11
service_registry RUNNING pid 23702, uptime 0:00:11 -
Start the AtScale Engine node that was previously the AtScale Database PostgreSQL leader node using the
command: :/opt/atscale/bin/atscale_start
Wait for all services to start.
To verify all services are started you can execute the
atscale_service_control status
` command as shown above. Note there will be additional services running on engine nodes versus the coordinator node. -
Start the AtScale Engine node that was previously the AtScale Database PostgreSQL Replica node using the
command: :/opt/atscale/bin/atscale_start
Wait for all services to start.
Again, you can use the
atscale_service_control status
command to verify all services are started.
The AtScale Cluster should now be started.