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Version: I2023.1.0

Use a Sample to Explore


Note: This document applies to the new version of the Projects section in the Design Center. For details on how to perform the same actions in the classic version, see Managing Projects > Use a Sample.

You can choose a sample model with sample data to explore the modeling and querying features of the Design Center.

Before you begin

  • Download a sample from AtScale downloads site.
  • Ensure that your user ID is assigned to a role that has the Create Projects permission for the current organization. By default, the Organization Admin role has this permission.
  • The AtScale service account user must have permission to write to the data warehouse destination directory described in the procedure below. If the directory does not exist, AtScale will attempt to create it.

Important: AtScale cannot import data-loader bundles while impersonation is enabled. It is suggested that you import your training data before enabling impersonation or use a separate AtScale installation for training purposes.


  1. After signing in to AtScale, do one of the following:

    • On the start page of the Design Center, choose Use a Sample to Explore in the Quick Start section.
    • Choose the Projects tab, open the menu next to New Project in the right part of the screen, and choose New project from sample.
    • Choose the Projects tab, position the cursor over a folder, open the menu, and choose New project from sample.
  2. The Project Wizard would appear; use the Next button to step through the wizard.

  3. Do the following on the first step of the wizard:

    1. Browse to upload the sample file you downloaded, then wait for the file to be processed.

    2. Select the data warehouse.

    3. Select the schema.

    4. Enter the destination directory for the AtScale engine to use when loading AtScale artifacts.

      Note that the AtScale service account must have permission to write to this data warehouse location.

  4. Set the initial permissions for your project.

    Projects and cubes are created with the system-configured default design-time and run-time security values. The default system values for design-time and run-time access are open to all users. A Super User Administrator can change this behavior to Exclusive Access by changing the Default Project/Cube Security from the Settings > Organization Settings: Options page.


Note: A user must have the Administer Organization permission, or be the installation Administrator to change run-time and design-time security settings. When creating a project with a Wizard, a non-administrator can see the security settings of the project, but cannot change them.

  • Yes, allow all: Allow all users in the organization to read, update, delete, and publish the project. The initial cube in the project is created and all users in the organization have read, update, and delete permissions on it.
  • No, just me: Allow only yourself, organization admins for the current organization, and super users to access the project. The initial cube in the project is created with the same restriction.
  1. Choose Finish to create the project with sample data.

What to do next

Access and explore your new cube:

  1. Do one of the following:

    • In the left part of the screen, expand the project and choose the cube.
    • In the right part of the screen, choose the project name and then the cube name.
  2. The cube designer canvas would be displayed. For details on what you can do here, see Navigating the Cube Designer Canvas.

  3. Review and experiment with the sample cube.

To change the security policy for the project or the initial cube, see Grant Design-Time Permissions.


Note: By default, projects and cubes are created with exclusive access enabled. You can override and enable the Default Project/Cube Security setting for the current organization on the Settings --> (Organization Settings) Options page.