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Upgrade Requirements

Carefully read this information before upgrading AtScale to the corresponding release.


Enable resizing for PVCs

The default sizes required for the MinIO and PostgresSQL PVCs included with AtScale increased from 16Gi to 64Gi. These will be updated automatically when you upgrade to C2024.8.0. You should therefore enable volume resizing on your cluster before upgrading; otherwise, you may receive error messages indicating issues with the MinIO and PostgresSQL deployments.

To enable volume resizing on your cluster, run the following command:

kubectl patch sc <storage_class_name> -p '{"allowVolumeExpansion": true}' 


Aggregate Rebuild on Upgrade Warning for IRIS Data Warehouses

If you use InterSystems IRIS, aggregate tables will be rebuilt when you upgrade from C2024.1.1 to C2024.7.0 or later. You should plan your upgrade so that the system has time to rebuild the affected aggregates outside of business operations.

If you want to perform the upgrade without immediately rebuilding the aggregates, do the following:

  1. Before upgrading, set the custom engine setting aggregate.maintenance.job.invalid-physical-plans.enabled = False and restart the engine.
  2. Perform the upgrade.
  3. When you are ready to rebuild aggregates after the upgrade, set aggregate.maintenance.job.invalid-physical-plans.enabled = True and restart the engine.