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Version: I2025.1.0

Model a Relationship

In an AtScale cube, you don't model relationships directly between two datasets - you create relationships between a dataset and a logical dimension. A dimension is not considered part of a cube until it has a relationship to the fact data of the cube (either directly or indirectly).


You define a relationship by dragging the foreign key column from a dataset on top of the level of a logical dimension. When you do this, the Design Center indicates the quality of a join with the hierarchy levels in all of the dimensions that are currently visible on the canvas.

  • Levels that would produce joins of high quality (e.g., the datatypes of the foreign key column and the level are identical) are highlighted in green.
  • Levels that would produce joins of medium quality (e.g., the datatypes of the foreign key column and the level are compatible, though not identical) are highlighted in yellow.
  • Levels that would produce joins of poor quality (e.g., the datatypes of the foreign key column and the level are incompatible) are highlighted in red.