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Version: I2025.1.0

Add a New Cube to a Project

Cubes are always created and managed within a project. Every project has one cube by default, but you can also have multi-cube projects.

About this task

When you create a new project, it automatically creates a cube with the same name as the project. Most projects will have just one cube, but you can add as many cubes as you want to a project.

Multi-cube projects make sense when you have cubes that share objects. For example, you may model cubes around different facts that share common dimensions.


  1. Open the project where you want the new cube to reside.

  2. Click New Cube. The Add New Cube dialog appears.

  3. Give the new cube a name. You also have the option of providing a description of the cube.

  4. If Allow Access to All Users is selected, Read, Edit, and Delete permissions for the cube are given to

    • All users who are assigned the Design Center User role and/or the Runtime Query User role
    • Super users
    • Organization administrators
    • You, the cube creator

    If Allow Access to All Users is not selected, Read, Edit, and Delete permissions for the cube are given to

    • Super users
    • Organization administrators
    • You, the cube creator

Note: If your user ID is assigned only the Design Center User role, you will not be able to change the security policy for the cube after you create the cube. Only a super user or organization administrator can change the security policy.

  1. Click Add Cube.

What to do next

On the overview page for the current project, the new cube is listed in the Cubes section. The copy icon next to its name allows you to duplicate the cube. Click the cube to access its overview page, which gives you access to options for changing the name and description of the cube, changing security permissions on the cube, and removing the cube.