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Version: I2025.1.0

Configuring Looker to Impersonate Users

Follow these steps if you have a shared dashboard and wish to to send the end-user's identity to AtScale for use in run-time cube security decisions.

Before you begin

Make sure you have created a connection in Looker. For details, see Creating Looker Connection.


  1. In Looker, locate the connection to the AtScale instance, and edit it by configuring the following settings:

    • Username: Enter an AtScale user name that has the permissions required to impersonate other users (see step 2 below for details).
    • Password: Password for the AtScale account.
    • Additional Params: ;hive.server2.proxy.user={{ _user_attributes['ldap_user_id'] }}
  2. In AtScale, go to the Security/Setup menu and set PROXY USER ATTRIBUTE to the attribute that contains the same value used by Looker.

    Usually this is sAMAccountName or userPrincipalName.

  3. In the Admin section in Looker, go to the LDAP page in the Authentication section, and set Login Attrs to the same value as in step 2 above.

  4. In AtScale, go to the Security/Role Assignment menu, and ensure that the Looker user account is assigned to a role that grants the following permissions:

    • Impersonate Users
    • Login
    • Query
    • Read Projects
  5. Ensure that the Looker service account user has Runtime access to the desired cubes.

    Note that you must republish a project for security changes to take effect.

  6. Ensure that the Looker report users have Runtime access to the desired cubes.

    Again, you must republish a project for security changes to take effect.

For more information about configuring Looker to authenticate users via LDAP, see LDAP authentication.