Known Limitations
This document provides a list of limitations of AtScale's support for DAX Tabular. It also lists unsupported and non-applicable functions.
Filters on measures
Filters on Measures are not supported.
Quick measures
- Quick Measures using Time Intelligence calculations work only with date hierarchies provided by Power BI.
- Quick Measure - Sales from new customers work only with PBI-provided date hierarchy.
The SELECTEDVALUE function will always return a blank result for Totals unless the filters end up with a single value on the visualization.
For the IF and SWITCH functions, comparing dimensions to measures is not supported. (ATSCALE-14804)
The ADDCOLUMNS function will not work if you attempt to create a calculation using it like this:
VAR tab0 = ADDCOLUMNS('Customer',"customerCount", COUNT('Customer'[Customer.Key0]))
VAR tab1 = FILTER(tab0, [customerCount]>100)
VAR sumTab0 = CALCULATE([Internet Sales Amount Local],tab1)
In this example, we count on a dimensional attribute and then filter it. This isn't supported.
It is expected to work if you want to perform aggregations over Measures, like in the examples below:
129_ATSCALE-14859-AddColumnsPostAggFilterMeasures_AND = VAR tab0 = ADDCOLUMNS('CubeMeasures', "rsales", [Reseller Sales Amount Local], "isales", [Internet Sales Amount Local])
VAR tab1 = FILTER(tab0, AND([rsales] > 500000, [isales] > 1000000))
VAR sumTab0 = CALCULATE('CubeMeasures' [Internet Sales Amount Local], tab1)
RETURN sumTab0
129_ATSCALE-14859-AddColumnsPostAggFilterMeasures_OR = VAR tab0 = ADDCOLUMNS('CubeMeasures', "rsales", [Reseller Sales Amount Local], "isales", [Internet Sales Amount Local])
VAR tab1 = FILTER(tab0, OR([rsales] < 600000, [isales] > 1000000))
VAR sumTab0 = CALCULATE('CubeMeasures' [Internet Sales Amount Local], tab1)
RETURN sumTab0
130_ATSCALE-14859-AddColumnsWithPostFilterUsingAggAndGroupColumn = var x = ADDCOLUMNS('Product', "isgood", IF ([Color] = "Blue", "Good", "Not good"))
var y = FILTER(x, OR([isgood] = "Good", 'Product'[Category] = "Bikes"))
return calculate([Internet Sales Amount Local] , y)
The REMOVEFILTERS function can only reference secondary attributes.
Unsupported Functions
If a function is not explicitly listed as supported, then it should be considered unsupported.
Some unsupported functions have server-side analogues that should be used instead:
- MEDIAN - Use AtScale's Percentile Measure functions.
- PERCENTILE - Use AtScale's Percentile Measure functions.
- STDEV - Use AtScale's Sample or Population Standard Deviation Measure functions.
Non-Applicable Functions
The following functions are not applicable to Tabular connections to AtScale because all relationship definitions and navigation direction are defined in the AtScale Model.
Table relationship functions: