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Version: I2022.4.1

Projects and Cubes

An AtScale project is a container for one or more AtScale virtual cubes, the datasets the cubes are based on, and the perspectives that are based on those cubes. You can manage projects in the Projects section in the Design Center.

About the new redesigned version

This document applies to the new redesigned version of the Projects section in the Design Center, which provides new features and better user experience. You can switch to the new version using the Projects Beta toggle in the top right part of the Design Center. For more information about using the classic version of the Projects section, see Managing Projects.

If you are already familiar with the classic version, you can check Common Navigation Tasks to see how to perform some of the most common activities in the new version.

In case you need to prevent all users from accessing the new version:

  1. Make sure you are Organization Admin or Super User.
  2. Based on the scope, go to Settings > Organization Settings > Options or Settings > Global Settings > Options.
  3. Locate the Projects Beta setting, and choose the Override & Disable button.
  4. Refresh the page to verify the Projects Beta toggle is no longer displayed in the top right part of the Design Center.

Using Projects

For details on how to create an AtScale project and manage and navigate the virtual cubes within a project, see:

More information

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