📄️ List Aggregates for Cube
List all Aggregates for this Cube.
📄️ Create New Aggregates for Cube
Create one or more new Aggregate(s) for this Cube.
📄️ Read Dimension from Specific Cube
Read Dimension from Specific Cube
📄️ Get Cube Permission Properties
Get Cube Permission Properties
📄️ Retrieve Cube Permissions
Retrieve Cube Permissions
📄️ Update Cube Permissions
Update Cube Permissions
📄️ Create New Cube
Create a new Cube by specifying the Organization ID and Project ID where it should be added.
📄️ Copy Existing Cube
Copy an existing Cube by specifying its ID, and the corresponding Organization ID and Project ID.
📄️ Update Cube
Change the name and description an existing Cube by specifying its ID, and the corresponding Organization ID and Project ID.
📄️ Delete Cube
Remove an existing Cube by specifying its ID, and the corresponding Organization ID and Project ID.
📄️ List Cube Aggregate Creation Schedules
Get creation schedules for a cube.
📄️ Create Cube Aggregate Creation Schedule
Create a new schedule using cron time expression.
📄️ Trigger Aggregate Creation Job
Trigger a new aggregate creation job.
📄️ Delete Aggregate Creation Schedule
Delete the schedule with the specified ID.
📄️ Get Cube Schedule History
Get the history of the schedule with the specified ID.