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2.7.0 release notes

This release of AI-Link focuses on security improvements and enabling use of the AtScale Postgres endpoint for query submissions. Specifically, this release includes:

  • A switch to cryptography from cryptocode for encryption tasks
  • Enabling get_data to leverage Postres instead of Hive. Note that this will only work on AtScale I2024.1 and above.

Please refer to our API documentation for the latest syntax to use with AI-Link. See below for updates associated with this release.

New Package Requirements

  • To enhance security, AI-Link will now leverage the cryptography package
  • To enable Postgres queries, the psycopg2-binary will now be required

User Flow Improvements

  • get_data and its variants can now leverage additional filters, filter_not_in and filter_not_like
  • get_hierarchies and get_dimensions can now specify if the published or draft project should be used

Changelog for Syntax Updates



  • cryptography

    • Replaces cryptocode for a more secure encryption
  • psycopg2-binary

    • Required to support using Postgres dialect for inbound queries


  • cryptocode
    • Removed in place of cryptography


  • get_data

    • Added optional parameter use_postgres

      • Enables use of the atscale postgres endpoint instead of hive. Defaults to False.
    • Added optional parameter filter_not_in

      • Filter the results if a value is not in a provided list. Defaults to None.
    • Added optional parameter filter_not_like

      • Filter the results if a value is not like a provided pattern. Defaults to None.
  • get_data_direct

    • Added optional parameter filter_not_in

      • Filter the results if a value is not in a provided list. Defaults to None.
    • Added optional parameter filter_not_like

      • Filter the results if a value is not like a provided pattern. Defaults to None.
  • get_data_jdbc

    • Added optional parameter filter_not_in

      • Filter the results if a value is not in a provided list. Defaults to None.
    • Added optional parameter filter_not_like

      • Filter the results if a value is not like a provided pattern. Defaults to None.
  • get_data_spark

    • Added optional parameter filter_not_in

      • Filter the results if a value is not in a provided list. Defaults to None.
    • Added optional parameter filter_not_like

      • Filter the results if a value is not like a provided pattern. Defaults to None.
  • get_data_spark_jdbc

    • Added optional parameter filter_not_in

      • Filter the results if a value is not in a provided list. Defaults to None.
    • Added optional parameter filter_not_like

      • Filter the results if a value is not like a provided pattern. Defaults to None.
  • get_database_query

    • Added optional parameter filter_not_in

      • Filter the results if a value is not in a provided list. Defaults to None.
    • Added optional parameter filter_not_like

      • Filter the results if a value is not like a provided pattern. Defaults to None.
  • get_hierarchies

    • Added optional parameter use_published
      • Whether to return the results from the published or draft project. Defaults to True for published.
  • get_dimensions

    • Added optional parameter use_published
      • Whether to return the results from the published or draft project. Defaults to True for published.


  • _Connection
    • Switched to cryptography library instead of cryptocode for better password encoding