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class atscale.base.enums.Aggs

Holds constant string representations for the supported aggregation methods of numerical aggregate features
SUM: Addition
AVG: Average
MAX: Maximum
MIN: Mininum
DISTINCT_COUNT: Distinct-Count (count of unique values)
DISTINCT_COUNT_ESTIMATE: An estimate of the distinct count to save compute
NON_DISTINCT_COUNT: Count of all values
STDDEV_SAMP: standard deviation of the sample
STDDEV_POP: population standard deviation
VAR_SAMP: sample variance
VAR_POP: population variance

class atscale.base.enums.FeatureFormattingType

How the value of a feature gets formatted before output

class atscale.base.enums.FeatureType

Used for specifying all features or only numerics or only categorical

class atscale.base.enums.MDXAggs

Holds constant string representations for the supported MDX aggregation methods
SUM: Addition
STANDARD_DEVIATION: standard deviation of the sample
MEAN: Average
MAX: Maximum
MIN: Mininum

class atscale.base.enums.MappedColumnDataTypes

Used for specifying data type of mapped column

class atscale.base.enums.MappedColumnFieldTerminator

Used for specifying mapped column field delimiters

class atscale.base.enums.MappedColumnKeyTerminator

Used for specifying mapped column key delimiters

class atscale.base.enums.TableExistsAction

Potential actions to take if a table already exists when trying to write a dataframe to that database table.
APPEND: Append content of the dataframe to existing data or table
OVERWRITE: Overwrite existing data with the content of dataframe
IGNORE: Ignore current write operation if data/ table already exists without any error. This is not valid for pandas dataframes
ERROR: Throw an exception if data or table already exists

class atscale.base.enums.TimeSteps

Translates the time levels into usable step sizes.