Platform Integration
What platforms does AI-Link support?
Since AI-Link provides programmatic interaction with the Semantic Layer via Python, data professionals can use it with any Python-based libraries, feature stores, AutoML products, and ML frameworks that they choose.
AI-Link also supports any warehouses, catalogs, or data lakes that AtScale itself supports. Please refer to the AtScale documentation for a full list of supported platforms.
Does AI-Link work with Snowpark?
Yes – AI-Link and Snowpark both allow Pythonic interaction with data at the warehouse level, so use of one can very well complement the other. For one example, the business-vetted features that AI-Link serves can be used to create a Snowpark dataframe.
Does AI-Link work with AutoML and MLOps providers?
Yes – AI-Link works with providers like DataRobot, Dataiku, Sagemaker, and H2O to facilitate your ML workflows. It provides a single source of business-vetted features, eliminating arduous data pipeline management and automating feature creation and engineering.
Does AI-Link work with platforms like Kubeflow and Airflow?
Yes – DataFrame output from AI-Link can be ingested by ML pipeline platforms such as Kubeflow and Airflow.